Senin, 14 Desember 2009


Scientific Name
Zooanthus sp. and Palythoa sp.

Common Names
Zoanthids, Button Polyps

Low to High. Very adaptable to most any light conditions. Palythoa sp. tend to need higher light to keep their bright fluorescent colors.

Generally low but some species can and will sting other corals that are close by. It has been noted as well that many Zoanthus sp. contain a palytoxin in their mucus. This is a neurotoxin and can at times be deadly. Care should taken when handling these if open cuts or abrasions are present on hands.

Water Flow
Moderate flow is best but these will adapt to most any current although full expansion will not be achieved in very high or turbulent flows.

Very hardy. Excellent for beginners.

Button polyps are one of the most commonly seen corals for sale. This is in part due to their hardiness as well as the many color variations available. They are colonial species, so they grow in groups. They, like mushrooms, are closely related to anemones. They can be offered bits of food, but this is not required as they do feed off light and trap floating foods easily on their own.

The difference between the Zoanthus (Button Polyps) and the Palythoa (Sea Mat) species is that Button Polyps, although colonial, do not share a common mat. They grow as individuals where the Sea Mats have a fibrous encrusting mat. Individuals of the Palythoa species can not be separated without cutting through this fibrous mat. Most Palythoa are sold as Button Polyps as the two species are very similar.

Button polyps are yet another easy to keep, and beautiful, addition to any nano reef. They are hardy and can adapt to many different conditions in nano reefs. These make a great beginner coral if you want to get your 'feet wet' in coral keeping. If you have a moderately lit system, you should place the button polyps in the lower portion of the aquarium. For low light systems, the button polyp colony can be placed virtually anywhere.

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